PHP strings highlight improvements

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PHP strings highlight improvements

Postby ggiunta » Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:52 pm

- use a different color for escaped chars inside double quuoted PHP strings, e.g. "\n"

- highlight php keywords TRUE and FALSE
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Postby Karlis » Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:05 pm

Yes, TRUE and FALSE are PHP reserwed. I'll try to add them in the next update.

Will see if anything can be done with the escaped chars...

Thanks for your suggestions. :wink:
Karlis Blumentals
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PHP strings highligt improvements

Postby ScotDiddle » Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:31 pm

Hi Karlis, I am new to web programming, and try stuff which may, or may not, work... I tried to include some PHP logic inside of some JavaScript. What I wanted to do in this case worked, however, I thought that I was on the wrong track because the PHP code ( including <?php ) inherited the colors of the JavaScript code, leading me to believe that what I was trying to do was not supported.... I could not find a way around what I wanted to do, so I coded what I hoped would work, and it did... I found it confusing because the PHP code did not inherit PHP colors... I would like to see PHP colors remain wherever <?php ... ?> coding is used, regardless of surrounding tags, in a future release. Thanks. Scot
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Postby Karlis » Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:18 pm

ScotDiddle, yes, you can use PHP in combination with JavaScript, however curently it is not possible for us to technically implement PHP coloring inside JavaScript which is inside HTML code. I hope we will be able to work this out in the future.
Karlis Blumentals
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Re: PHP strings highligt improvements

Postby Tecktron » Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:33 pm

This is so old I'm not sure why it hasn't made it in yet, it should be standard.
So here is my vote on this.

Add color options to key terms in the code like: false, true, null?
Also the ability to set if these terms should be uppercase or lowercase (and auto-correct to those settings).
EG: type true and have it auto change to TRUE. Or the opposite depending on the setting (or ignore if I'm in a string of course).

Bonus would be to also add boldface (or other highlighting options) to the predefined php constants (EG: JSON_HEX_QUOT).
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