How Do I Make a Frame for Around the GIF?

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How Do I Make a Frame for Around the GIF?

Postby PumpkinAndCookie » Sat May 24, 2014 9:16 pm

I can't figure out how to make a frame for around the GIF, for example one that can be made at MemeCenter. Please help! I want to make these without the MemeCenter logo, thus I am looking for a program that will do this!

I did not make the above, but this is what I am trying to do with the EASY GIF Animator
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Re: How Do I Make a Frame for Around the GIF?

Postby Aivars » Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:39 pm

Here's one way to do it:

1) Duplicate the first frame, so you get something like a work frame
2) Empty the first frame (select all frame contents and delete)
3) Create your text & frame

You should have something like this at this point:
egifan_frame.png (191.71 KiB) Viewed 6064 times

4) Select first frame contents
5) Click Copy to all frames
6) Delete the first frame

egifan_frame2.png (305.31 KiB) Viewed 6064 times
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