My child bypassed the password in inet protector

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My child bypassed the password in inet protector

Postby gio24 » Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:01 am

My 13 year old child did something to the inet protector program that has given him full internet access again.
The program was working fine but a few days ago i found him on the internet even though i had the program set to restrict that time.

I think he created his own account in Windows Xp to bypass mine. What can I do to stop him from bypassing the iNet Protector program?
Please help. I need to restrict his internet access. He is very savvy with programs and always seems to find a way around any restriction I give him.

What must I do to my Windows xp operating system to Not allow him to bypass iNet Protector?

Any and all advice is much appreciated.

PS- i just noticed the "Making sure iNet Protector can not be disabled" post in the forum, which was very helpful.

Any new and additional advise will still be very much appreciated.
Thank you. :wink:
Last edited by gio24 on Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My child bypassed the password in inet protector

Postby chrisjlocke » Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:19 pm

What have you set his user account to be - standard user or administrator? In XP, you can create a 'limited' account.

Change your password to something secure, and don't let him know it.
Also change the password to iNet Protector, and again, ensure its secure - not just 'password', 'access' or 'abc'.

If needed, change the passwords regularly.
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Re: My child bypassed the password in inet protector

Postby Karlis » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:35 pm

You should set regular user accounts to limited accounts (not administrator account) and allow your users to log in as non-administrators only.

The best way would be to change the kid's account to "limited user" and block any other accounts or change their passwords.
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