Outlook Express send/receive issue

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Outlook Express send/receive issue

Postby Dave Eyeington » Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:44 pm

I bought the software this evening and installed it. I wish to password protect internet access but allow Outlook Express at all times. I am using Outlook express on XP SP2. Outlook and IE share the same broadband connection.
I have added Outlook Express to the Alowed programs and currently have Email and Secure web pages added to Allowed Services.
The issue:
Outlook Express will start but status remains at Connecting on the taskbar indefinately. If I close Outlook Express and try to restart I receive a timeout error that says that an instance is already running and to Log off.

Any thoughts please.
Dave Eyeington

Postby Karlis » Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:27 pm

Here on our Windows XP computers it works just fine. Please make sure that you have added to allowed programs the correct file:

c:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe

Also, if you are running any anti-virus software that plugs into your e-mail system, make sure that you allow also the particular anti-virus program file that interacts with e-mail checking as well.

I would suggest you to check E-mail on Allowed Services tab.
Karlis Blumentals
Blumentals Software
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