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Design Patterns in PHP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:59 am
by annyphp
I was wondering how we should consider the design patterns. I mean: What are they? Are they simply binaries that help us designing consistent application? Are they so used? Why? Where could i find a list

about every design patterns on the web? Or at least the 5-10 mist used design patterns? Do phpbb,wordpress or joomla (that i know pretty well) use a design pattern? If yes, then which? I googled MCV PHP and found about 3 italian articles and read about 5 of the first pages ranked and i didn't understand pretty much nothing. They were conflicting and seemed to me confusing. I did understand that it is ...

Fortunatly , I found some popular php design patterns ,which includes decorator pattern, strategy pattern,Singleton pattern,factory pattern listed on the recently.
I decide to list the result as the topic for all you guys and girls.Hopely can help you !
Best regards!