RSS feeds

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RSS feeds

Postby antcw » Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:15 pm

I've just bought Screensaver Factory 5 Professional and am very pleased with it. Thank you!

I just have one question about the news feeds. Our company website has three RSS feeds:

They are all generated by the same tool (Drupal Views) and I can't see anything obviously different in the xml. However, is the only one that your screensaver will pick up. Is it something to do with the filename, or is there something else I should be doing?
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Re: RSS feeds

Postby Karlis » Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:54 pm

I will check this. In the mean time you should check whether the generated feeds comply with RSS standards (include all required xml attributes and tags and no invalid symbols or tags). The RSS engine in Screensaver Factory is very particular about the correctness of the RSS XML code.
Karlis Blumentals
Blumentals Software
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Re: RSS feeds

Postby antcw » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:34 pm

Thanks. I've run all three feeds through the W3C feed validation service and all were fine. There was a recommendation to include an atom:link - however this applied to all three, i.e. the news.xml that works, as well as the other two.
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