Code Explorer

Let us know what you would like to see in the next version of this software

Moderator: kfury77

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Please follow these guidelines when posting feature requests. This will help to increase the value of your contribution.

  • Do not create new topics for already requested features. Add your comments to the existing feature request topics instead;
  • Create separate topic for each feature suggestion. Do NOT post a number of non-related feature suggestions in a single topic;
  • Give your topic a meaningful title. Do NOT create topics with meaningless titles, such as "My Suggestion" or "My Problem".

Please note that we DO READ all suggestions, even if a reply is not posted. Thanks!

Code Explorer

Postby scandog » Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:44 pm


I am using WeBuilder 2005 and somthing that I would love added is:

In the Code Explorer it would nice when you are working with php files that Includes or Requires had a listing of there variables and functions.
Either under the include file name or in the Fuctions section with a icon to indicate that it is in another file.

That way you can look at funciton names and classes without having to open the file. Also if the could work with the auto complete code.

Also in the Code Explorer when working with php file it shows the name of the function but not the way it is used. Example

test($var1, $var2) instead of just test, same with classes

Thanks alot

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:11 pm

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