Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!!!

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Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!!!

Postby baz » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:13 pm

Hi guys, I love this software, initially designing the menu and buttons couldn't be simpler and a wide range of styles too. I'm sorry to say that I've hit a few snags or possibly glitches in the trial software. I cannot seem to place the menu and buttons into my website, when I try it looks like a mess of vertical boxes with text. The software also don't want to play ball when I click on the box "automatically insert at the beginning" it does nothing, also the button to the right of <Back is blank, I presume this should be "Next>" although it does seem to do something, but it don't look nothing like the design I made, just indented bullet points. Is that right?

There is definitely something not working right and I have racked my brain, believe me I would buy this if it worked as it makes things easier but I do need to insert my buttons and menus into Dreamweaver CS3, I am presuming there may be some issues with the CSS side of things but I'm not fully sure. It would be great if someone could do a set of videos on how to insert the html code manually as well as a video guide on inserting the menu into the webpage code, this would make it clearer for potential customers like me. This is potentially very good software and I feel you'll lose a lot of custom through the frustrations in assuming how to do the insertion of the code both manually and via the software. It really isn't clear at all, stumbling trial and error practice is time consuming and a deterrent to using the software.

Please can someone get back to me and give me some guidance on this as soon as possible. The support in communicating back to my initial email is slow or non-existence, still no response. This is not intended to be a dig, I really want someone to be on the ball with supporting this product as I would like to buy it with confidence, as it stands it seems like a beta version. If there are any users out there willing to do a video on inserting the html code or doing it via the software please can you post here with a link. I'm sure it'll help lots of others too. I am running out of trial uses so I need to absorb this soon

Many thanks for your support - baz
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby Aivars » Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:30 am

What e-mail did you write from? I could check the support system to see if the e-mail has even arrived and if not, give you one of our private e-mails. Sometimes servers (either sender's or receiver's server) block e-mails for whatever reasons which can be extremely frustrating for us.

If buttons look right in browser but not in Dreamweaver then check

If this is not the case and the menus allways look incorrectly, maybe you can send me the HTML file (with all the necessary image and css files) that you're trying to insert into and the menu project (.bamp) file that you're inserting, so that I can walk through the whole process myself and see if there is some clashing between menu and the page. Alternatively you can select "Just generate HTML code and all the necessary files" and insert it inside your page manually using Dreamweaver, WeBuilder or any other HTML editor.

We'll also check why the button is blank. Could be caused by translation, even though this is the untranslated (English) version.
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby baz » Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:38 pm

Aivars, thanks for your response, I cannot find the sent email as I'm not home right now, however, I said exactly the same in my initial post so it's no problem. My email address is

I've tried your suggestion of inserting the stylesheet but still now joy. It dont appear right in the browsers either because I have additional photos in there with it, but it does look ok in the browser without my photos etc, ie, on its own, I suppose it may be placed in the wrong place. I'm trying to position the menu between a header photo and a body photo.

I tried positioning the menu between <p> and </p> I got this from the design view where my cursor was flashing in dreamweaver so i inserted the menu but it dont look right at all just dotted lines with the menu wording and bullet points.

I'm probably doing something wrong but as I'm a novice i'm not sure what it is. Maybe I could send you the index.html file to view?

Appreciate any help.

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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby Aivars » Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:51 pm

Send me the html file and all the files it needs (images, scripts, css) and the menu project - send it all compressed as zip (otherwise it will be rejected by support system) to, or even better - upload it somewhere and send me the link.
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby baz » Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:53 pm

Thanks for your support Aivers. I'm now trying to get the submenus to link to new pages I generate. Is this done in the EB&MM program or should I add new html code?

I have created a new barry.html page to link the Tutors ---> Barry Dalchow submenu to but it's not working in the program.

I have saved it in the EB&MM project but it dont seem to show up in DW or link in any browser. DW has easy linking options but it's not obvious where to put this in DW.

I dont think the software is updating the project files, is it good practice to keep the project folder within the website folder locally on my PC before publishing?

I think people should have some html and css knowledge so as they can use this software effectively. I'm a novice at the moment and have been racking my head looking thru code, it's just not too obvious to me where things should be.

Appreciate any help, advice and tips in inserting into existing webpages and getting css to work in all new pages as well.

Thanks - baz
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby Aivars » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:40 pm

You need to set links in Easy Button & Menu Maker, e.g. set link to "barry.html" for the appropriate menu item. The website won't update magically once you've set the link in Easy Button & Menu Maker, in many cases it's impossible or undesirable, so you need to put the updated html code in your page.
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby baz » Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:37 am

I have been trying to insert the code but its not obvious where to insert the code, I have also linked the items to the appropriate other pages but the menu goes back to bullet points in DW and the browser views.

The menus I chose was a ccs menu and the links with the existing webpage/site are not obvious.

The only way I can get the menus to look right is when there's no other code involved.

Lets assume I create a div container to go around everything on the page, then I create a header, footer, two side bars and a main body all with their own divs inside the container.

If i try to create an additional div for the menu it all goes wrong and that where I just get confused. There's nothing on YouTube explaining how to do this and I have been making my own assumptions which have not been right.

It would be good if there was a walkthrough youtube video to cover this. It may seem obvious to the techies but not to novices like myself whom has learnt alot but still not conquered this problem.

Meanwhile, I appreciate any advise

Thanks - baz
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby Aivars » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:55 am

It's not that trivial. I would tell you what to do but I don't know how to. Where did you get the initial structure with the header, main body etc - from some site? I think the best way would be if you taught yourself some further knowledge about html and css - I mean knowledge is a good thing, html is used everywhere nowadays and this might come useful, and you may enjoy the learning process.
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby baz » Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:00 pm

I got the main structure from Dreamweaver CS3, by adding a blank html file with a 3 column fixed, header and footer layout preset that comes with DW.

Every seemed quite simple until I tried to add the buttons and menu to the index page. I'm trying to put it under the header photo of the guitar. It don't appear right when I add it, it's just a set of bullet points like before.

If I use this software I need to be confident I can add it where I need to on the page. I may have a corrupt version of EB&MM as some fields buttons are greyed out. then again it could just be me not entering the menu in the right place. I dont have many runs left on the trial demo which is why I'm being a bit of a pest I suppose. Just want to fully understand if it's me or the software, probably me.

If you look at my site you may see what I'm trying to do which is place the menu below the header picture.

I have created a css folder with a main.css file within and an images folder with only the guitar set as header and footer in the root and an index too. It's just a basic website at the moment.

When I create the menu I need to know where to insert the code into the index.html and what changes to add to the main.css file and where to place the changes. Even with an understanding of HTML and CSS I still would know how or where to put the menu or how to structure the files/folders to apply them.

I assumed the EB&MM software would do this for me but the only option is to insert it at the beginning.

If anyone writes their own html and css code then maybe they don't need a program like this, for people such as myself that uses programs to help design need some guidance in inserting the code into an existing website. That will be of great help, not just to me but many potential customers.

Thanks - baz
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby Aivars » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:07 pm

I don't know how you want the page to look, but one place you could insert your menu is inside the head div, like so:


which looks like this:


It was all done directly from Easy Button and Menu maker, I did not edit any css manually and the menu looks normal, no bullet points.
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Re: Trial with problems inserting into website. PLEASE HELP!

Postby baz » Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:11 am

That's exactly where I want the menu. I will try it out and see if I can replicate it.

Many Thanks
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