Sorting a CSS with Rapid CSS

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Sorting a CSS with Rapid CSS

Postby GeorgeBell » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:57 pm

As this is my first post, my apologies if I have selected the wrong forum.

Some of you may have heard of and even use Madcap Software's "Flare".

This allows you to use a common set of content files to generate a wide variety of outputs from Help files, web content to print documentation.

Unfortunately a major failing is that the resultant CSS generated when new Styles are added is frankly, and to be polite, untidy. Instead of being added to relevant groups according to the output media, new styles are simply added at the end of the file.

While Rapid CSS can show the grouping, is it at all possible to have this applied by Rapid CSS to the CSS itself used in Flare?

If so, I'll wipe the dust off my plastic and buy a full copy.
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Re: Sorting a CSS with Rapid CSS

Postby pmk65 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:38 am

It depends on what you mean by "sorting". ;)

There's a couple plugins that can cleanup/sort CSS, like CSSCombWB, CSScomb with browserify and BeautifyWB. You can also run arbitrary Gulp/Nodejs tasks using the Gulp Taskrunner plugin.
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