Oicture size and number

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Oicture size and number

Postby sciano » Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:49 pm


Is there a recommended picture size, and any limit to how many pictures can be in a screen saver I havr been using 500 x 350 aprox sizes, and if I use more that 10, i have a problem where when creating a screen saver, it says not responding, stops for a while, then finishes, but teh screen saver does not work properly. If Ikeep it under 10 photos, no problems. Also, is the a linit on playlist size? I use vista home premium, 2 gb ram on a toshiba portable laptop.

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Re: Oicture size and number

Postby Karlis » Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:35 pm

Could it be that you system is somehow lagging or that you are running some utilities that interfere with screensavers? I'm asking because it is very unlikely that you have reached any limits of system resources, screensavers created with Screensaver Wonder can run even on 256Mb and older machines just fine.

There should be absolutely no problems with 1024x768 images be it 10 or 50 in your screensaver.

To avoid any possibilities, I can recommend you creating a screnesaver with your 10 images but no sound or other features. Does it help? If yes, turn on features one by one and see if any change worsens the situation.
Karlis Blumentals
Blumentals Software
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