Update: 2014

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Update: 2014

Postby Karlis » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:14 pm

Today we are officially replacing WeBuilder 2011 with WeBuilder 2014, since we have reached the point where 2014 is even more stable than the current production 2011 is. We will continue work on updating 2014 and fixing any issues, of course.

What's new?


This particular build:
We have fixed some more problems reported recently.

Buying and Upgrading

According to our upgrade policy, customers who bought the old version 6 months prior this release (from 2012-07-24 till now) are eligible for a free upgrade. Also everybody with a 3-year subscription is eligible for a free upgrade. For more info, click here.

Other existing customers may upgrade for a special price (and the first 300 customers to use coupon code BEFIRST will get a 10% discount on top of the upgrade price).

New customers can currently buy a full new copy with a 30% discount using the copon code BEFIRST on new full license purchase (promo valid for the first 300 buyers to use it). If you are our customer already, maybe some of your friends are interested in this offer.

This is also good time to cross-upgrade between editions e.g. HTMLPad 2011 -> WeBuilder 2014 and between licences e.g. Personal -> Commercial.

We do appreciate your each and every one purchase and upgrade very much as a lot is on stake and the financial results of this version will determine the frequency and quality of the future releases. So thank you very very much for being our customers. You are the best!

Moving from old versions to 2014

Most of the settings from 2010/2011 should be ported automatically. When you uninstall your old version, make sure you choose to keep your settings during uninstall. One thing to note is that settings will not transfer from portable to normal and from normal to portable version.

To transfer settings between two portable / USB installs, please copy the settings folder from the old version over the settings folder of the new version. This is not well-tested method but generally should work.

Have questions?

Please first go through our support pages and if the question is not answered there, please contact our support team, you should get an answer within 1 business day or sooner. (while you are always welcome at our support mailbox, 90% of the questions are already answered and you might find your answer within seconds)
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby zbahadir » Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:33 pm

I bought the upgrade.
Thank you.
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Emulman » Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:47 pm

i have just bought the upgrade...great guys at Blumentals!
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby a2d » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:01 pm

I bought the upgrade - thanks for the extra discount! - and spent a lot of time testing.
I've rarely had problems with Webuilder 2011 over the last year since I bought it, but the new version appears much more responsive and loads quicker.

The Google Chrome preview is great and makes Preview usable for someone on XP who can only go as far as IE8...

The Google Fonts picker is a great idea - and the add to/show only favourites options, but there's some strange scrolling issues (while it loads the list of fonts from google?) when you preview a font in the list and then return to the list it needs to be loaded all over again. Bit painful when there's hundreds of fonts. Would it be possible to split the font list into a list box and have the preview next to it so you don't keep losing your position in the list? Abililty to specify custom preview text would be good too.

The TODO: FIXME: CHANGED: How does this work? After testing these in html,js,css files what do I need to do to enable the message window as per your graphic on http://www.webuilderapp.com/whatsnew.php ?

Menu: css > Prefixize CSS - what does this do? Just seems to select the entire css file contents...

CSS validation - doesn't seem to support certain shorthand forms: div{box-shadow:1px 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)} causes an error - but with vendor prefixing and new features being added to browsers all the time I'm not surprised or bothered by this.

With this new version maybe you could explain what Macros do - I never got it from Webuilder 2011, never found any document in help or on the forums. What is the point of it? Can you give an example? Maybe I should be waiting for the plugins documentation to do the sort of things I assume macros can do.

One of the main factors in choosing Webuilder 2011 was the ability to install to USB. Having setup all the keyboard shortcuts to match Homesite as much as possible are you now saying that it's impossible to export these setting to the new version? Not even by editing the import/export file? There must be some way... Does exporting settings also include FTP and SQL connections?

Anyway, great work and look forward to hearing from you.
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Aivars » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:27 pm

TODO list works if you have selected a project. It will display in one place all comments from your code like //TODO: Add extra error checking

Prefixizer is needed if you use new CSS features like gradients and want them to be supported in all browsers.
Code: Select all
* {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #5CC3FF, #0060BF)

Will be changed to
Code: Select all
* {
  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, top, bottom, color-stop(0, #5CC3FF), color-stop(1, #0060BF));
  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #5CC3FF, #0060BF);
  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #5CC3FF, #0060BF);
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #5CC3FF, #0060BF);
  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #5CC3FF, #0060BF);
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #5CC3FF, #0060BF)

Macros just record and repeat your actions. If you start recording macro, then type or do something, then playing this macro later will repeat these actions.

If you're using USB version and only want to copy some of the settings, then copy the appropriate files from WeBuilder's folder. Keyboard shortcuts are stored in keyboard.ini. I'm not sure where FTP settings are stored exactly, if you can't find it, feel free to contact our support.
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Karlis » Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:05 pm

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Re: Update: 2014

Postby ana-gandi » Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:56 pm

I bought the upgrade, thank you.
Now, the two things you could implement are, in my personal opinion, the following.

1) Just as shown in the image http://i904.photobucket.com/albums/ac24 ... 3885d9.jpg, the CSS snippet's last letter is not completely visible with all fonts; I don't know if it's my laptop's screen fault, but I see it cut out (the screenshot highlights an example) with fonts Consolas, Courier and Lucida Console. This happens only on Cascading Style Sheets, any other format looks normal. I tried to solve it changing the Options --> Preferences --> Text Editor --> Colors but, just like 2014's first beta versions, changes don't take effect and are not realized.
2) Make all changes valid: I first saw this in 2014's beta 3 (which made me discard it) that, when you change a preference, that change is not taken; you see the option updated but no actual change and/or difference has happened.
3) More of a wish: make WeBuilder available for Mac computers, too.

Right now, however, the your "priorities " should be number 1 and 2, because not being able to customize WB who also looks weird is not good.
Thank you.
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Klipper » Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:20 am

Hi, I update to the new WeBuilder 2014. This is a very good upgrade for what I've seen till now.
For now I've one question: The "New HTML" button in the toolbar opens a clean HTML page with the name untiteld*.htm
Because I always use the .html extension I want to change the .htm extension to .html extension. Alas I can not find where to change this.
Can you point me to the right place?
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Karlis » Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:19 pm

Klipper wrote:Hi, I update to the new WeBuilder 2014. This is a very good upgrade for what I've seen till now.
For now I've one question: The "New HTML" button in the toolbar opens a clean HTML page with the name untiteld*.htm
Because I always use the .html extension I want to change the .htm extension to .html extension. Alas I can not find where to change this.
Can you point me to the right place?

Options / Preferences / Default extension (and when creating a new file use general New instead of New HTML)
[There are other options to do this but they are more complex and have various downsides]

p.s. This is more applicable for support forum.
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Karlis » Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:36 pm

ana-gandi wrote:1) Just as shown in the image http://i904.photobucket.com/albums/ac24 ... 3885d9.jpg, the CSS snippet's last letter is not completely visible with all fonts; I don't know if it's my laptop's screen fault, but I see it cut out (the screenshot highlights an example) with fonts Consolas, Courier and Lucida Console. This happens only on Cascading Style Sheets, any other format looks normal. I tried to solve it changing the Options --> Preferences --> Text Editor --> Colors but, just like 2014's first beta versions, changes don't take effect and are not realized.
2) Make all changes valid: I first saw this in 2014's beta 3 (which made me discard it) that, when you change a preference, that change is not taken; you see the option updated but no actual change and/or difference has happened.

This problem only arises with fonts who have no Bold or Italic style support built-in the font (Courier, Fixedsys, Lucide Console). You seem to be using Lucida, it is known to happen with Lucide/bold and Fixedsys/bold. Such problem should not arise with Courier New or Consolas (). We are investigating this and will try to implement a workaround. For now, you can use Courier New and Consolas or try other fixed fonts. If you are on Windows Vista/7/8 with its original Consolas, there should be no problem at all. From the screenshot it is hard to tell but looks like Lucida to me. Also a cool one is DejaVu Mono ... http://dejavu-fonts.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

To save Preferences you have to click either Apply or OK, as they are not applied while edited. Also note that if you are editing CSS colors and have PHP or HTML file with inline CSS open, you will see no changes at all, since CSS colors are managed separately for each file HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP etc. If this info does not help, please contact support instead as you may have a local bug that happens only for you and thread is not intended for in-depth debugging. Thanks!
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby MikeyB » Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:12 pm

Well done to Karlis & the team for the new versions, big thumbs up!
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Re: Update: 2014

Postby mapleleaf » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:53 pm

[quote="Aivars"]TODO list works if you have selected a project. It will display in one place all comments from your code like //TODO: Add extra error checking

Prefixizer is needed if you use new CSS features like gradients and want them to be supported in all browsers.

I truly love this idea/concept and used it.

Will there be in the future any direction towards prefixzing like that of Lea Verou's Prefix http://lea.verou.me/2012/02/vendor-pref ... wg-and-me/

I did notice an update message indicating 145. Is this then the release version?


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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Kise » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:13 am

thanks and i have upgrade, I've noticed that there is little slowness in loading list of files .flist, is there a way to actually keep the connection open and download the whole list instead of opening connection > download > disconnect and repeat? specially if the files are on the same remote host.

EDIT: there is an issue with removing buttons from toolbar, you just cant remove any button at all.
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Re: Icons associeted with files...

Postby gemini190647 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:52 am

[quote="Karlis"]Yes, we did not bother with less used extensions, they all have common blank icon. I will make it look the same as other extensions just with "..." in the place of extension to signify that this file is associated with our code editor but it is one of the "other less important types".[/quote]

That default icon is quite meaningless as it does not represent in any way an association with WeBuilder - it is just a dark and what appear to be dark blue blue icon on top of a white sheet with two dots - could you not have kept the default WeBuilder 2011 blue icon with the white letter W to really promote (to make it easy to recognize) the association of a particular file with WeBuilder!!

[quote="Karlis"]Of the mentioned, JS should have its own icon though, unless you have "customized" or broken something.[/quote]

That reply was very tactless and lacked the professionalism expected from someone dealing with customers! As I wrote before, the JS scripts were associated with WeBuilder 2011 and were identified with the blue icon (with the white letter W) - the only software that has customize or changed or 'broken' the associated icon for the JS scripts is been WeBuilder 2014...

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Re: Update: 2014

Postby Karlis » Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:43 pm

gemini190647 wrote:could you not have kept the default WeBuilder 2011 blue icon with the white letter W to really promote (to make it easy to recognize) the association of a particular file with WeBuilder!!

We do not want to use "W" logo because the icons DLL file is now shared across the product line and the "W" logo is not applicable to say HTMLPad which uses the same resource file. I guess I could use our corporate logo "B" as it is common to all icons, but then again it would mean nothing as well. The fact is it is utterly difficult to please everybody because one likes red, another likes blue and another customer likes round icons... There are customers who hate the "W" logo. So this is an open discussion.

With JS it turns out that we had broken something at our end, so from now on all should be fine and JS should have its own pretty icon. I do apologize for that, the reply was not intended to hurt your feelings in any way, it was simply the default answer as messing with registry and icon customization is one of the top reasons for various icon problems. Once more, I'm sorry that this made you feel unappreciated, rest assured it is not the case.
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