MSI & Command Line Support

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MSI & Command Line Support

Post by Arcane »

Program is Great, but limited. I bought it to protect a program on a CD distribution of a utility I made. Problem is while setup.exe is protected the .msi file it launches is not. If found other products that will "wrap" an MSI file and protect it. What I need is to be able to pass command line perameters to the locked file. eg. Let my utility interface pass the password and silent install perameters to the locked file. If the user browses the CD and attempts to launch directly they get the password prompt, but not when the utility launches it. ABI makes such a tool, Secure Pro but seems to have issue in the demo i'm using, and I don't like that it advertises itself on the prompt window, makes it easy to find a hack if you know the program doing the protection.
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Post by Karlis »

Unfortunately files protected by Program Protector are not distributable. They will run only on the same system you installed Program Protector, thus it is not a good idea to protect setup.exe Program Protector is developped for casual computer user, not software developer.
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