Local folders as Project publishing target

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Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby StickGrinder » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:19 pm

Hi there Karlis,

another thing I miss from DW (sorry) is the ability to set a local/shared folder in project properties to upload files to instead of using an FTP connection.

On my workplace I could reach the public web server directly via SMB because the apache site folder is shared with the local network.

Despite this, I still work locally on my projects and then upload them on the public site as needed.
Now I use FTP to publish them but you can see that FTP transfers are a lot more slow and tedious than using direct copy to a shared folder...

I'd like to have a "local folder" target implemented for project manager! ;)

Bye and (again) THANK YOU!
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Postby Karlis » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:44 pm

Thank you for the suggestion. I'm not sure whether this can be easily done as the upload features were designed for FTP. So it could be that this would require to rebuild all the file transfer system which is too big for implementing in the nearest future.

I will take a look and see what can be done.
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Postby StickGrinder » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:57 pm

Well, no need to go mad to make me happy! ^_^

I think this could be very useful but not really necessary in the immediate future.

Maybe version 7! ;p

Bye bye
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby Mikey McCorry » Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:39 am

Sorry to bring a 4-year-old thread back to life, but I'd like to bring this feature request back to your attention if I may.

We're looking to replace Dreamweaver in our organisation due to escalating software upgrade costs, and WeBuilder looks like the leader at the moment. Karlis and his team have done a fantastic job!

We house all of our websites internally, and access their published folders by either a UNC path (\\webserver\domains\example.com\) or a locally mapped network drive (W:\domains\example.com). We work from either a local or network drive when developing, then hit the hot-key to "Publish to Remote" in Dreamwaver to push the changes out to the web. We also have some websites on external FTP servers.

It would be awesome if WeBuilder's Project Properties allowed us to select either "FTP" or "Local/Network" as the publish location. I realise it may take a bit of effort to set this up, but once done it could allow you to add other potentially useful (according to this forum) options to future versions such as WebDAV, SVN, SSH, etc.
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby syrupcore » Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:38 pm

This sounds like a good use case for SVN.
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby x3po » Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:55 pm

This Feature would be great!!!
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby Gatis » Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:02 am

Current status for this feature is the following: till now we have rebuilt the internals of Project Publishing, so several interfaces can be added and used to transfer files (FTP, SFTP for now).
We are thinking about adding "Local/Network" in future, but want to get some more feedback about the necessity of this.
As syrupcore has suggested, it is actually possible to set up SVN to solve this problem.
Kind regards,
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby syrupcore » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:53 am

svn mostly because it sounds like a few developers working on the same projects. svn is great for this and for sharing codebases (localhost x N developers, dev server, staging server, live server...)
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby Mikey McCorry » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:51 am

You are probably right, that SVN would help us in terms of version control, etc, but it does not address my main requirement. However I've never used SVN before and wouldn't know where to begin in setting up an internal SVN repo, so please correct me if I'm wrong. We're HTML developers, not software programmers, plus being a government organisation, we're also fully Windows/IIS, so we dont have much experience with Linux/CLI based systems, which a lot of the SVN documentation assumes you to have. We're only a team of two, sitting right next to each other and currently Dreamweaver's check-in/out options are working well for us.

The appeal of WeBuilder/Dreamweaver at the moment is that it requires no other software to be installed and provides a hot-key to instantly save and publish remotely. Assuming we were able to work out SVN, WeBuilder doesn't seem to offer a way to integrate with an SVN server for version control (the latest Dreamweaver has just introduced SVN support as part of it's project settings).
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby syrupcore » Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:21 am

Ah, I thought from your original description that there were more than two developers. I'd still use svn (because I'm addicted and it's saved my ass before!) but it can be heavy on the initial overhead/learning curve.

You can use Tortoise SVN to create repositories on a windows machine via right click. Super simple. You'll need to make sure that machine is web accessible though (local only is ok) and that's where stuff goes directly over my head. some one smarter than me set up our repo server.

Webuilder doesn't have "svn integration" but you can use tortoise's right click context menu from within Webuilder (in the project/files area). It is more steps than "publish" though.

For personal projects, I use my host's svn capabilities. Dreamhost does it as part of the $120/yr package. Maybe you can get your boss (you?) to spring for that if you wanna use svn. :D
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Re: Local folders as Project publishing target

Postby leevee » Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:20 am

Local folder or networtk drives as a Project publishing target is VERY MUCH NEEDED for Webuilder 2020!!

I work on large files, and if i work on them directly on the network drive (on a VPN), then Webuilder just locks up on me totally intermittently, and i have to restart. Additionally when saving, it takes forever to save - i can literally go make a cup of coffee while it's saving sometimes! This is very annoying, inconvenient, and time-wasting.

Webuilder does not lock up on another project i work which has FTP save target. Works well.

So therefore, on that basis, i should be able to work on my project files locally, and on pressing save and upload, it should then be able to save to my network drive/mapped drive as a target.

This is a standard feature on Dreamweaver - surely you guys can include this as an option without too much effort??!
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