Settings Retention

Let us know what you would like to see in the next version of Screensaver Factory

Settings Retention

Postby Webdepot » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:58 pm

First.. your program is terrific and I thank you for allowing us to test drive it.. I have been playing with the unregistered version now for several days and have determined one major shortfall, the program doesn't have a memory.. A brief explanation:
My projects would be fundraisers for non-profits and would be of this general outline: a static background graphic and several HUNDRED small media (170x230px) graphics that would appear at random locations around the screen, each with it's own "Label" in one of four color fonts (none of which is a basic color in your palette). So, here's what I'm finding:
each and every media entry's properties has to be reselected from your default, ie: font, label location, image mask, x & y offsets, etc.... when I'm looking at several hundred entries, that's an awful lot of extra clicks and makes the project extremely time consuming.. here's how it would be greatly improved (and btw, this is how every other piece of software I own that allows projects to be saved, works)
1- When I change a setting from it's default value, that change should be active throughout this work session without any further action on my part.
For instance, if I choose Caligula as my font, and image mask 6, every subsequent media entry label should automatically be set to Caligula with an image mask of 6 until I change the settings to something else.
2- When the project is saved, these altered settings should be part of the project file so the next time I open the project to add to or edit it, the last settings I selected when the project was saved, would be the default settings when it is re-opened.

Same deal with the color palette... I can create up to 12 "custom colors" in the palette, but they are not saved in the palette... not even from one media entry to the next if you want a different color than the last one used. So, every time I want to change the color being used for the font, I have to key in the rgb values manually... again and again.. the same retention ability in the color palette should be a given also.

Unfortunately, with my intended screensaver blueprint, this shortfall makes your product too time consuming to use the way I want to use it.

I'll keep checking to see what's new with this program... and hopefully see this listed one day.. Thanks again.
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Postby chrisjlocke » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:17 pm

I've not used SF for a bit, but can you not copy and paste an object, then change as required?
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Postby Webdepot » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:44 pm

Well... copy and paste does not transfer either the font selection or color, only the ascii codes for the representative text. and how do you copy and paste a radio button or check box selection...
I'm a programmer myself (server side, perl and C++) and am knowledgeable enough to manipulate the project file (maybe that is where you meant to copy and paste) but that is an awfully archaic way of doing things and not something a novice would be advised to tackle.
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