Webuilder not showing page as broken

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Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby oriole » Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:05 pm

I am not a developer, I don't understand more than basic html. I have been struggling for that last week with broken pages on all three browsers but in WeBuilded they are fine and tidy doesn't show any problems. These pages show up broken in two different ways, in IE the CSS doesn't seem to load, in FF and Chrome the CSS and the linked photos are not loading. The linked photo is showing up in FF and Chrome as gibberish text. In IE the photo is fine.
It is getting annoying to have to keep uploading the pages to the net to see if they are working because they all seem to work fine in WeBuilder. I don't get it. On top of that I have got the CSS loading in all the browsers only to screw it up again because I can't tell what the heck I'm doing in WeBuilder. I am running version 14.
I have also had a problem with the program not connecting with the link to the W3C validator or the CSS validator. Again I am forced to upload my pages to check them.
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Re: Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby Aivars » Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:06 pm

Are you by any chance linking to local files? That would explain why uploading files would make a difference compared to viewing them locally.
You could set up a project, specify FTP and then you can use Save and Upload To FTP toolbar button or Publish to FTP feature for quicker uploading and previewing online. Use Project -> New Project and fill in the appropriate fields.
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Re: Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby oriole » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:41 pm

So your saying that if my files seem to work correctly while in WeBuilder it is because they are local? So if they work with the css locally then don't work when uploaded that is to be expected? I would have thought if the css is working locally then it would work once it was uploaded. My whole website is on my desktop, so no file would be accidentally pulled from any other folders on my computer.
No I can't seem to get connected to the web with the "Publish to FTP", I have tried to add my site and it sends some php to my site, I can see it in the folder, but I can't connect thru the program. I have never been able to get this to work. I also have never used project. So maybe that is part of the problem.
It's the same with the validators they won't connect.
I have been using this software for a long time and really only need it about 3 or 4 times a year when I upload new product. I know small potatoes compared to everyone else here. Maybe if I was using this more I would have already got these problems sorted out.
As it is I finally got the pages to work online. So if you could tell me how to configure the software to connect to my website and get the validation services then that would be great.
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Re: Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby Aivars » Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:21 am

If you link to files (e.g. images and css via file:///...) then these links will work locally from your computer but not online. The files linked to need to be uploaded, too, and linked to relatively. It's really simple, if your page contains link to e.g. My Pictures \ some photo.jpg, and some visitor looks at your page, they would not have that picture in their My Pictures folder.
The validators should work. If you have less than 14.2 version (e.g. 14.0 or 14.1), try updating for free from http://www.webuilderapp.com/.
When you "Publish to FTP" it uploads the file to the FTP folder that you have specified in your project settings. The idea is that you work on your project locally and when you are ready to put it online (to preview or launch your site), you publish it and it uploads all the files to your site. If you only want to work with your site online (instead of working on it locally and uploading now and then), you can use File Explorer (menu View -> File Explorer -> FTP, add your FTP connection there, connect to it) and open/save files from there directly like if they were local files.
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Re: Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby oriole » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:47 pm

I believe that I am doing as you posted. My page is fixed now, but I keep my website pages in one folder on my desktop. The whole folder is the same as what is on my website. Every file I have is in the folder so if the website and the folder are the same I don't understand why a page will work on my desktop but not online. Wouldn't the point of using an editor be showing me how my pages will look online?
I will work on getting the program to work with the FTP. That would save so much time checking pages. Can you tell me why I can't use the (tools>W3C) validator? I always get the message "the remote site can not be reached".
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Re: Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby Aivars » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:56 pm

Did you update to 4.2? Try that and see if that fixes the validator.
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Re: Webuilder not showing page as broken

Postby bwaldron » Fri May 08, 2020 7:32 pm

oriole wrote:Can you tell me why I can't use the (tools>W3C) validator? I always get the message "the remote site can not be reached".

I hate to drag up an old thread, but I am also unable to connect to the W3C HTML validator in WeBuiilder 2020. (I started having the problem recently using 2018, and assumed that upgrading would fix this. It did not).

I can see the Validator site (https://validator.w3.org/) if I open it in my browser, so it's working. But if I try via WeBuilder, I get "the remote site can not be reached".

Please help!
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